
The Centers for Disease control estimate

The Centers for Disease control estimate

The Centers for Disease control estimate that nearly 1.3 million people suffer from concussions or mild traumatic brain injuries annually. Termed "mild" because they are usually not life-threatening, concussions can nonetheless be serious - especially when they are not treated seriously.

Literally, "concussion" means to shake or jar violently.
"A head concussion is a traumatic brain injury, usually caused by a blow or jar to the head, that alters the way the brain functions," said Dr. Christian Millward, of Intermountain Rim Rock Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. "It is kind of like having a bruise on the brain. The injury is not usually structural but can cause neuro-cognitive problems."

In other words, it can knock you silly.
Millward compares the brain to the yolk of a raw egg.We've seen all the best cheaplvwatches of 2011. Just as the yolk floats around inside the shell, the brain floats in fluid inside the skull. Youth are more susceptible to concussions because their brains have not yet fully developed and are still creating some of the neuro-cognitive pathways.

When the brain takes a hit or violent shake,cheapwatches Blog at Experience Project featuring their posts, the resulting concussion can cause cognitive deficits.TOP grade replicawatches of high quality at wholesale prices!

"Typical symptoms include severe headache, nausea or vomiting, feeling like you're in a fog, amnesia, loss of consciousness, lethargy, a vacant stare, irritability,Offering a sporty collection of watchesformen and women, and just not acting like yourself," Millward said.

Each concussion is treated individually. The vast majority resolve with physical, cognitive and mental rest.

"Some people think they can lie on the couch and read but that is not mental rest,A hats is a head covering used for several reasons." Millward said.
Occasionally a concussion requires medical attention.
"If symptoms persist for more than a day or two, you should see a doctor," he said. "If the victim is nauseous or throwing up, has vision changes, loses consciousness, has slurred speech or has a bad headache, they should be seen right away."

