
School cafeteria lunch vs. brown bag packed at home

As parents, we like to think we know what's best for our own children. So when someone else steps in and does something that undermines the way we've decided to care for our kids, there's a good chance we're going to get upset.
Recently, a teacher decided that a 4-year-old preschooler's brown bag lunch wasn't good enough, so it was taken away and she was given chicken nuggets from the school's cafeteria.

It all happened at a North Carolina elementary school. According to news reports, the mother of the young girl packed her a lunch containing a turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips and apple juice.
A teacher at the school decided the young student's lunch wasn't up to par,There is one amazing online store with 100s of rolexuhrenshop . so she dumped it, and gave the girl chicken nuggets, vegetables and milk. And her mom was forced to pay for it.
Imagine, as a parent, getting that phone call — that the meal you provided for your child was so unhealthy, fried chicken was a better alternative.
"I don't feel that I should pay for a cafeteria lunch when I provide lunch for her from home," the mother wrote in a complaint to her state representative.
The mother said that while her daughter eats vegetables at home, she knew she would not eat them at school,Offering a huge selection of goodchloehandbags online store . so she did not pack any in her lunch. And wouldn't a slice of cheese count as a serving of dairy, anyway?
The girl was part of the North Carolina Prekindergarten Program, a state-run program which follows U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines for a healthful lunch. By USDA standards, a healthful lunch is defined as a serving of milk,Visit the premier hermeshandbags in Melbourne Australia. two servings of fruits or vegetables, one serving of grain and one serving of meat or protein.
If my calculations are correct, and if the juice was 100 percent juice, the young girl nailed those guidelines. And as the parent of a 3-year-old, I'd like to know of any child around that age who could consistently eat all those servings in just one sitting.
"You have to work with what you know children will eat, especially when they're away and not under your supervision," said Amanda Evans, a registered dietician at Charlevoix Area Hospital.
Evans said she understands the mother's plan — to pack what she knew her daughter would eat at school — a healthy sandwich, a banana, chips and juice, then make sure she ate her veggies at home.
"If she's getting her veggies at home because she's a picky eater and her mom watches her, I don't see a problem. You just have to work with them," Evans said. "Chicken nuggets, in my opinion, are not a healthy alternative since they are most likely fried and the breading is typically white flour that is refined."
Officials at the North Carolina school have since said the teacher made a mistake.
And while the USDA does monitor school lunch programs, a representative for the agency said food brought to school by students is the responsibility of parents — not the government and not the school.
There's no doubt that the eating habits of Americans, especially those of our children, need to be addressed. The Centers for Disease Control says 17 percent of children and adolescents are now considered obese. That is triple the rate from a generation ago.
And while school cafeteria lunches will see an overhaul in the coming months — the first in more than 15 years — not all children head through that lunch line each day. Meals eaten at home, out at restaurants, and lunches brought to school are the responsibility of parents.Jewellery and coachhandbagsreplica stolen in Framlingham.Find a BurberryHandbags Manufacturer and Supplier.

